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What is EmComms?

Emergency Communications, or EmComm, involves setting up and operating radio communication networks to assist in situations where other forms of communication have been compromised. This can include anything from providing weather updates and emergency messages to supporting relief efforts by relaying vital information between affected areas and emergency response teams. Amateur radio operators are often part of EmComm organizations like the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) , Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) , and other groups that work closely with agencies like FEMA, the Red Cross, and local emergency management agencies.

Gaggle Mail Member Setting

Club officers may occasionally send multiple emails in a single day. To help you manage your inbox, here’s how you can adjust your email preferences on Gaggle Mail: Access Your Membership Page : Open any email you've received from your Gaggle Mail group. Scroll to the footer of the email. Click on the "My Settings" link. Adjust Delivery Options : On your Membership page, locate the "Delivery" section. Choose your preferred delivery method: Immediately : Receive all messages sent to the group as they arrive. Daily Digest : Receive a single email summarizing all messages sent to the group that day. Pause all messages : Temporarily stop receiving messages from the group while remaining a member. For detailed information on these options, refer to Gaggle Mail's Delivery Options. Set Notification Preferences : Within the Membership page, find the "Notifications" section. Configure how and when you receive notifications about group activities. You can ch...

What is the RST System?

  What is the RST System? The RST system is a way to describe three key aspects of a radio signal: Readability (R): How clear and understandable the message is. Signal Strength (S): How strong the signal appears at the receiver’s end. Tone (T): The quality of the sound for Morse code or CW (Continuous Wave) transmissions. Why is the RST System Important? For new operators, the RST system is like a feedback tool. It lets you know if your equipment is performing well or if adjustments might be needed. It also helps you gauge how radio propagation or weather conditions might be affecting your signal. How the RST Scale Works 1. Readability (R): This is a measure of how easily someone can understand your transmission. 1 = Unreadable. 2 = Barely readable, occasional words distinguishable. 3 = Readable with difficulty. 4 = Readable with little difficulty. 5 = Perfectly readable. 2. Signal Strength (S): This reflects how strong your signal is. 1 = Very faint, barely detectable. 5 ...