Detroit Lakes Amateur Radio Club
The Detroit Lakes Amateur Radio Club (DLARC) is a
ham radio club in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota serving the beautiful
Lakes Country and surrounding areas in Becker County.
Get Involved!
The club meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Ice House Restaurant at the Holiday Inn Detroit Lakes. The meeting starts around 9:00 AM (1500Z) and usually wraps up with an informative presentation. We invite anyone with an interest in amateur radio or public service to visit us.
Check out our Events page for upcoming events, activities, and other ways to get involved. Whether you're a licensed ham or just interested in learning more, you're welcome at all of our meetings and events!
The club owns and operates the WØEMZ repeater (147.195+ MHz, No Tone). A club net is held every Sunday night at 8 pm local time. Find more information and volunteer to be a net control operator on this page. The net is open to any and all amateur radio operators in the area.
The club also offers local license testing! Please visit our license testing page for more information and to be included in an upcoming testing session.
Next Club Meeting
When: CANCELLED Saturday, March 15th at 9:00 AM (Central time)
Where: Detroit Lakes Holiday Inn, Ice House Restaurant Meeting Room (Directions)
Presentation Topic : CANCELLED due to winter storm
Can't attend in person? Click here to Join with Google Meet!
Upcoming Testing Session(s)
We will be offering license testing on AS NEEDED following one of our regular club meeting.
Our monthly club meeting takes place at 9am and testing will start between 10 and 10:30 AM. Whether you're looking to get your license or upgrade, this is the perfect time and place!
All are welcome to attend our entire club meeting!